
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

When God Is Silent by Kellie Lane Book Tour & Giveaway

Author Bio:

Kellie Lane, a native of Lexington, MS is a passionate orator and writer of God's spoken word. She is an author, motivational speaker, and professional life coach. Kellie has dedicated her life to the work of encouraging others to reach their maximum potential in Christ. Her message to the world is " Don't give up, push, pray, and persist " until you reach the point of breakthrough. In addition to writing and speaking, Kellie serves our nation's veterans a Family Nurse Practitioner.

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Twitter: @kellieelane


Book Genre: self- help/inspirational,spiritual growth
Publisher: Creation House
Release Date: March 4, 2014

Buy: Amazon | Christian Books | BN | BooksAMillion

Book trailer:

Book Description: "When God is Silent” confirms through scripture that God indeed hears the cries of
his elect and the broken hearted. The book explains to the reader why he or she may be waiting on the answers to their prayers and how to endure in a season of silence. It also reveals how to recognize "God's answer" if he chooses to answer differently than what we anticipate. The take home message is “ Never Give up! Even if God is not talking he’s still listening”. We must learn to “push, pray, and persist” until we reach the point of breakthrough. God desires to give only the best to his children. We must understand this.



I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer. You yourself are the answer.
—C. S. Lewis

If you’re reading this book, more than likely you are in what is called a pressed place; a place of waiting. Does it seem as if God has forgotten about you? Has everyone else around you begun to celebrate their miracles, yet you are still crying yourself to sleep at night? Are you feeling a
sense of weariness and emptiness? Have you been praying and crying out to God day in and out and still you see no change? Have you found yourself wondering if God has gone on vacation? Have you been contemplating that perhaps what you are believing God for is not in His will? Well if this describes you, congratulations! You are next in line for a miracle. I decree and declare defeat is not your portion; victory is your portion. Receive it, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

What the enemy wants us to believe is that God will never answer our prayers. The kingdom of darkness works overtime as we get closer to our breakthroughs. Satan and
His generals know that if he can get us to lose our focus, we will not be in position when the fullness of time comes and we will miss the blessing. We must know without a doubt that God is faithful and never fails. We must be certain that even if God is not talking, He’s still listening.

For it is written:

But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.
—Psalm 66:19

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Seven Minutes by Jay Stritch (Book Bash and Giveaway)

Jay Stritch is a student of English Literature at Cambridge University and a lover of all modes of storytelling. She has recently published ‘Seven Minutes’ told in the format of memory collections which trace the interweaving, highly eventful lives of a very interesting family. In her free time she enjoys skiing and adrenaline based sports.

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Book Genre: Fiction
Publisher: -
Release Date: March 2014

Book Description: What are the memories that will define you when you're gone?

It is said that when you die your brain stays active for seven minutes, in which time you relive your most prominent memories.

'The Collector' of these memories has the most interesting story of all to tell. By following the intertwining lives of a group of characters we are taken on a journey through some amazing experiences: loss, love, guilt, failure, success and what defines us as human beings. The very essence of these people emerges from their memories.

But why is Will the one this collection of memories has been given to? What is he supposed to do with them? He already has enough on his plate, now that he’s unemployed with a farm and family to run while his wife is away working. However, he can’t seem to stop obsessing about this mysterious book or put it down and it begins to affect his life in more ways than one…


Seven minutes really isn’t that long. It’s often overlooked by people as an awkward amount of time in which nothing can be achieved. Indeed many groups of seven minutes are spent in people’s lives simply waiting. I, however, am a collector and it is my job to make every minute count. Everything can be revealed about a human life in seven minutes. Today has been a particularly interesting collection, as amongst them is the last Mangos.

I often look at my job like a card game – perhaps similar to ‘Happy Families’ – and I relish collecting full sets. Today the set has been completed by the life and death of Sabina Mangos.

I sometimes revisit the rest of these preserved lives and watch them intertwine with each other seamlessly again. I turn to the best bits, like one would dog ear a favorite book. Still the people I never knew in life haunt me in their deaths.

She is bent by the side of the river, the evening sun illuminating her cheek bones and her hair is plastered to her face. The memory at first is always startlingly beautiful until the scream begins. It is primal, guttural and echoes off the rocks surrounding her. Then the boy lying limp at her feet comes into focus. But this is my own memory. To understand it better, it’s only right that we delve into hers.

ANGELICA: 4.6 minutes

He died with his train ticket in his pocket and his hands clasped tightly around his necklace. I know because I was there. I start compressions frantically, unable to remember how many to do. One, two, three, four, trying to force the life back into him. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, my own breaths rasping, willing him to join me. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, I stop pressing methodically, the panic taking over and I begin to hit him wildly. Suddenly I am furious, illogically furious at him, and I begin to spit and swear as I return to compressions. What else can I do?

“Don’t die! Wake up! Bastard! Talk to me! Open your eyes now!” I stop suddenly staring rigidly at his face. “No,” is all I can think. This. Can’t. Happen. Mouth to mouth, my mind screams, I haven’t tried that yet and I know why. What if the kiss of life doesn’t work; what if it is the kiss of death? What if I can’t save him? I slam my hands either side of his head, pinch his nose and calmly breathe into his mouth. Once. Twice. Nothing. And that is when I rock back on to my knees and scream.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Book Tour & Giveaway: No Innocent Affair by Edward Mrkvicka Jr.

Edward Mrkvicka is a lifelong Christian, award-winning author, lay minister and counselor. He is devoted to saving families from the ravages of adultery, and the divorce that almost always follows. Most important, he is devoted to the innocent children who are damaged by the selfish acts of their parents who give in to temptation.

Mrkvicka believes the only hope for betraying adulterers is the Word of God. This is what he tries to do with his books and counseling – ensure that as many as possible know what a true evil adultery is, and that they know it before-the-fact, as it is far easier to avoid the evil than to get back once the line has been crossed.

His efforts on behalf of families, understanding adultery, and the devastating effect of divorce on children has earned him a United States Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition.

He started writing professionally in 1980.

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How to Incorporate the Bible into Book Writing
By: Dr. Edward F. Mrkvicka, Jr., D.D. (h.c.)

As a Christian non-fiction writer, this question is crucial to being able to bring the Word of God to others through my books.

It is important to understand that what an author has to say is basically meaningless when compared to the wisdom contained in Scripture – and that’s where things often go wrong. Some authors allow themselves the arrogance to believe that their opinion(s) are important, while I believe a Christian writer’s job is to humbly reveal the importance of God and His Word.

With that in mind, hone in on a topic and then cull the Bible for every verse germane to that subject. Doing so will give you a foundation you can build on. This can be accomplished by using a reference Bible (I use the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible). Researching your subject matter in-depth spiritually will often give you a whole new approach than you may have had on day one. Don’t make the Bible fit your writing needs, make your writing in concert with the Bible.

There is probably no bigger error a writer can make when incorporating the Bible in a book than failing to read/understand the Bible in context. So many single verses of Scripture cannot be understood without reading companion verses. This truth can lead both author and reader astray. This is not an insignificant aside. If an author isn’t careful, careless use of the Bible will lead to a writing disaster. Conversely, faithful application will almost always significantly advance and improve your work.

Book Genre: Religion: Christian Life
Publisher: Tate Publishing & Enterprises
Release Date: Sept. 2011

Book Description: 'Thou shalt not commit adultery' (Exodus 20:14).
Have you found yourself contemplating committing adultery? Are you currently in an adulterous relationship? Have you been affected by an act of adultery? If you answered yes to any of these questions, No Innocent Affair: Making Right the Wrong of Adultery is the tool you need.
An avid student of the Word, Ed Mrkvicka addresses the fact that adultery is one of the main contributors to the destruction of the American family and seeks to reverse this terrifying statistic. Mrkvicka posits that few who engage in adulterous relationships realize the enormity of the cost of infidelity, both to themselves and innocent people in their lives.
Beginning by comparing God's view of adultery to society's view, No Innocent Affair explains in frank yet loving terms that unrepentant adultery is more than just an innocent affair. It is choosing Satan over Jesus and death over life. Mrkvicka desires to lead adulterers to repentance and eternal life with Jesus Christ.
Most importantly, No Innocent Affair takes you on a step-by-step biblical progression that leads to the sin of adultery being forgiven and salvation reclaimed.
Infidelity is no easy subject to discuss, but it is one that must be addressed. Follow along on this exploration of the consequences and ways out of adultery.


Nothing could be clearer. Unrepentant adulterers will not spend
eternity in heaven.

So if you’re thinking about committing adultery, don’t. The cost
to everyone, especially you, is just too high. Adultery is more than physical
lust or an innocent affair and/or choosing another person
over one’s spouse. Adultery is choosing Satan over Jesus, death over
life, and hell over heaven. But God does not condemn us to that
fate. Instead, if we will follow the step-by-step instructions culled
from the Bible and offered in this book, He forgives us so we may
be saved. Of course, as with all things God asks of His children,
our obedience is rewarded far beyond what we deserve: “Then shall
the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my
Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of
the world” (Matthew 25:34).

If you’re in an adulterous relationship, end it. Now. As with all
sin, adulterers must first admit it and then quit it. Thank God we
can be forgiven, but only if we repent and make right that which we
have made wrong.

Lastly, no matter how far removed we are from the Light of the
Lord, we must never forget the life-affirming words of Jesus in Luke
15:7. “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over on sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.”

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Daily Spiritual Vitamins by Myrlande E Sauveur

Author Bio:

Myrlande E. Sauveur was born in Haiti. She came to the United States when she was 17 years old to further her education. She started writing poetry and short stories at a very early age. Some of her writings won national recognition back in her homeland. Although she had a passion for and excelled in writing, she never major in English literature or communication in college. She obtained her MBA in Business Management from Strayer University and kept writing on the side as her main hobby and a place to escape when life became too overwhelming.

In August 2009, she was recognized by Cambridge Who’s Who for demonstrating dedication, leadership and excellence in marketing. She is the author of Daily Spiritual Vitamins and Minerals for Your Soul; she is 2013 Readers Favorite International Bronze Medal Recipient in the Christian Devotional/Bible study. In early December, she was voted the Grand Prize Winner of 2013/2014 50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading contest hosted by the Authors Show. She recently received a Gold Medal from the 2013 Illumination Book Awards “Shining a Light on Exemplary Christian Books”. Recently she was featured on as one of the Inspirational Luminaries sharing her 500 words of wisdom with the world (the 7 Pearls of Wisdom for a Happy and Fulfilled Life). She is a health and wellness consultant, teaching people how to live a healthy and well-balanced life. She is the co-founder of Dorcas Foundation, a nonprofit organization that focuses on helping Haitian college students and women in the community.

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Book Genre: Christian Devotional/Bible Study
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Release Date: February 2013
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Book Description: 

Daily Spiritual Vitamins and Minerals for Your Soul is a 2X Award-winning title include 2013 Illumination Book Awards “Shining a Light on Exemplary Christian Books” Gold Medalist.

Only God Can Heal You Both Spiritually and Physically!

Oftentimes, the vicissitudes of life get in the way of building an intimate relationship with God. We live in a fast-paced society and sometimes feel overwhelmed to the point that we question God's plan for our life.

Daily Spiritual Vitamins and Minerals for Your Soul offers a dozen meditational reflections, supported by daily key verse, as a regulator to give our lives the rhythm we need to enhance our self-esteem, elevate our morale, increase our faith, and strengthen our fellowship with the Lord. We all need vitamins and minerals to stay physically healthy and we need the Word of God to remain spiritually healthy. These pages contain nuggets of peace and wisdom for a troubled society and its weary people—and with daily meditation and reflection on God’s Word; you will nourish your soul and soothe your spirit.

Review From Reader:

Daily Spiritual Vitamins and Minerals for Your Soul

Myrlande E. Sauveur
Outskirts Press (2013)
ISBN: 9781478713159
Reviewed By Richard R. Blake for Reader Views (11/13)

In her book “Daily Spiritual Vitamins and Minerals for Your Soul,” Myrlande E. Sauveur encourages the reader to “feed your soul as you feed your body every day.” This concept captures the essence of her chapter themes, selected scripture readings, significant life narratives, and meaningful personal prayers.

Each chapter is designed to follow a calendar year with a reading for each day of the month. These monthly chapters are well formatted. Each chapter includes a theme title, a theme verse for the month, a personal illustration with a life application lesson, a prayer, and a verse for reflection and meditation for each day of the month. The chapter ends with two pages for recording personal notes or journal entries throughout the month.
Chapter themes include topics such as: waiting on God, God’s love, God’s faithfulness, our loneliness, controlling anger, and dealing with depression. Answers to the question, “Why Me, Lord?” are considered in light of scriptures dealing with trials and testing.

I found the chapter God’s Plan and Purpose for My Life affirmed by the theme verse Jeremiah 29:11, “I (God) know the plans I have for you…” and by the daily verses that promise instruction, guidance, and protection.
Guest contributor, Daniella B. Pierre summarized her thoughts this way: “God holds you in the palm of His hand. He knows your every struggle, disappointment, heartache, and every unfair situation.” The daily promises that follow offer hope, healing, and cheer in times of all these difficult situations.

Daily Spiritual Vitamins and Minerals for Your Soul” is excellent as a companion to your regular intake of God’s word in Bible study, devotional reading and mediation. It is also ideal for gift giving for any occasion.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Renegades by Sara Mason (Book Tour & Giveaway)

Title: Renegades
Author Name: Sara Mason

Author Bio:

Sara Atherton Mason was raised in Somerville, Massachusetts, with an amazing immediate and extended family. She attended Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts, graduating with highest honors in Chemistry. She then graduated from the Florida State University College of Law with high honors. She lives in the Florida with her toy poodle, Melvin, and clerks for a United States District Court Judge. She enjoys coffee, wine, sports, and science fiction television shows. 

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Book Genre: Science fiction
Publisher: Self-Published
Release Date: October 31, 2013

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Book Description:

Elora Pertin spent her life trying to please her father, an esteemed General for the Empire. 

When he convinced her to leave her quiet life as a scientist to advance a secret project for the Emperor, she had no idea what she was getting into. The seemingly innocent projects she engineered were actually being used to develop a genocidal weapon. After uncovering the Emperor’s plot, Elora had no choice but to act. 

Elora finds herself fighting for her life against the Empire she once served, abandoning everything with only a handful of friends and an unlikely ally—the Emperor’s deadliest assassin. Will he prove himself true as her protector, a loyal servant of the Empire, or a romantic distraction? With the law and assassins searching the star system for them, Elora and her team are determined to accomplish their mission . . . or die trying.

Excerpt One:

Back in her room, Elora tried to come up with another plan. If her father couldn’t—or wouldn’t—help, she had to find someone else. Just finishing and going home was not an option. She tried to focus on the weapon, but was preoccupied with thoughts of her father. What was he involved with? How could he involve her in the development of an illegal weapon? He had been her rock and best friend since her mom died when she was so young. If she couldn’t trust her dad, whom could she trust?
She had just closed her eyes to practice the meditative techniques she learned on Naruta when she was suddenly pulled out of bed to her feet. She felt the strong arms of a man on either side of her head. Instinctively, she tried to jerk his arms away because she was sure he was about to break her neck. Her head was pulled so far to one side she could feel the muscles in her neck tearing apart. Then he stopped.

Elora could barely see the mirror in her peripheral. The man’s black monochromatic attire made him hard to see in the dark room, but she could make him out against her body. He was tall with shaggy dark hair, slightly curly on the ends. He had a strong jaw, and as she moved up his face, she saw he was looking at her in the mirror. His eyes were dark—almost as black as his clothes. Just as suddenly as he pulled her out of bed, he released her.

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